Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Hi Dudes!

I am running / jogging as this blog post is being written...literally.  Today is the second day to the new old Chad.  Yesterday I rocked 9:48s for 4.2 miles and felt good.

I drove my tiny inflatable automobile to the gymnasium while blogging on my Apple cellular telephone.  Technology rocks...and so do I.

Today at work I programmed some pretty cool stuff.  I can't really get in to it, but let's just say that the US Treasury Department is pretty jealous of the amazing things we are doing at Quad City Bank and Trust.  Real cutting edge.  Here is a glimpse into what I do;

- sprite behavior to follow cursor horizontally
on exitFrame me
  sprite(me.spriteNum).locH = the mouseH

I just need to perform a core dump, cannofy the process, and blammo.


Please note that I am not a real Chump, I just play one on this blog.  These thoughts are not necessarily those of the Chad Wisham.  They are most likely too advanced for him.  Please feel free to give Chad full credit though.

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