Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can you have Taco Tuesday on Wednesday?

What up convicts?

int main(void) {
   printf("Hello World");
   return 0;

That is code for Hello.

Thank you dialing in to my blog today.  Um, do you dial in to a blog, or log in to a blog?  I suppose if you use your cellular telephone it could be both?

These are the questions that plague our society today.  By "our" I mean "me".

I am fixing my I Phone tonight because I am a nerd and because it hasn't worked in 4 days.  That's right, I can fix an I Phone.  

How does that taste bitches?  D-Licious 

Chad-Licious style.

This is a running blog right?  Here it is - I ran good today and felt good today.  4 miles never looked so sexy.

Later dudes!

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