Friday, June 18, 2010

Bix @ 6

Hi Dudes!

The first Bix @ 6 was Thursday.  Me + me sick + 95 degree weather + bix @ 6 +Brady street = deathFor realz!  The kid was struggling.  What is no relief?

I almost didn't run, but it's Bix @ 6 brother.  You gotta run that.  It might be hard to tell, but that is me in the picture.  Rockin it shirtless style cause I am a gangsta.  "G" is for gangsta!

What did I run it in.  Who really knows?  I think I eeked out a 56 minute effort.  Not bad.  Not bad because that is awesome! 

- Chump around, chump around, chump up chump up and git down, chump around.

-Chump out

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